We respond to the needs of the Chemical Industries to advance toward more agile, more flexible, and more synergetic ways of chemical production while reducing the corresponding CO2 footprint, energy consumption and waste production.
This is achieved by combining cross-sectional domain knowledge in the fields of Digitalization, Chemical and Process Engineering as well as Process Analytical Technologies to your benefit.
Competence Center CHASE GmbH is a Research and Technology Company founded in 2019 at JKU Linz (Johannes Kepler University Linz) and TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology).
The company is owned by:
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (25%)
Technische Universität Wien (25%)
Upper Austrian Research GmbH (25%)
Verein der Partnerfirmen der Competence Center CHASE GmbH (25%)
Our Company Brochure (in German):